Vote with your dollars

The free Internet isn’t free. And the rise of ad blockers is slowly choking off what little revenue online publishers do earn while visitors bemoan privacy concerns and boring content.
Talking about using the web as a book publishing platform; Matthew Butterick touches on the economic realities of supply and demand related to online publishing.
Let’s face it, unless you’re really slow on the uptake, you’ve outfitted your web browser with an ad blocker. Ha ha, you win! But wait—that means most web ads are only reaching those who are really slow on the uptake. So their dollars are disproportionately important in supporting the content you’re getting ad-free. “Not my problem,” you say. Oh really? Since those people are the only ones financially supporting the content, publishers increasingly are shaping their stories to appeal to them. Eventually, the content you liked—well, didn’t like it enough to pay for it—will be gone.
Simply put; if you are not paying for something your opinion on it will not be consider in it’s ongoing evolution. Businesses and entrepreneurs need to make money; and they will take it from anyone, but they won’t work to please those who don’t give them money.
If you want a seat at the table, if you want your voice to be heard, then you need to have a finical stake at risk.
Ann Lappé said it well.
“Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.”
― Anna Lappé
What kind of world do you want. Remember that the next time you’re spending money, or blocking ads on websites.