Skills and technologies

golang go apache linux docker command-line php find grep ansible git model-m-keyboard tmux firefox large-phones small-notebooks postgresql debian bind vim techno-music kubernetes


October 2018 - Current Technical Solutions Engineer (Remote)
Kong Inc

Kong API Gateway Docker Postgres Kubernetes REST HTTP curl Terraform Shell Pods Microservices Architecture Deployments and Services

Kong is a San Francisco based startup, who’s Gateway software enables large enterprises flexibility and maturity in managing API Mircorservices and Service Mesh solutions.

  • Work hands on with enterprise customers and build out, highly available Kubernetes infrastructure
  • Create Docker configurations for multi-node API Gateway infrastructure
  • Communicate effectively with customer’s business and technical contacts, and internal and external business resources
  • Analyze and identify solutions for customers based on their unique infrastructure, including Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, On-Prem, Redhat, Docker, and many others

April 2017 - October 2018 Enterprise Customer Success Engineer (Remote)
Kong Inc (née Mashape)

Kong API Gateway Docker Postgres Kubernetes REST HTTP curl Lua Shell Microservices Architecture

Kong is a San Francisco based startup, who’s Gateway software enables large enterprises flexibility and maturity in managing API Mircorservices and Service Mesh solutions.

  • Advise enterprise customers on architecture, configuration, and troubleshooting Microservice API
  • Work with customer’s problem solve infrastructure architecture when integrating Kong Gateway
  • Coordiante with customers on production infrastructure for running Microservices at scale
  • Created Kong Docker Compose tool to automate local environment testing
  • Self manage time and resource allocation to achieve efficient results in a fast paced Silicon Vally funded startup
  • Communicate effectively with team members using Slack, email, and video calls

August 2015 - April 2017 Customer Success Engineer (Remote)

docker go python vim git bash jira is a San Francisco based cloud infrastructure company, who’s Serverless Application Platform empowers enterprise customers to scale their Docker-based workloads on cloud, public, private, or on-premises hosting solutions.

  • Assist customers with production issues inherent in running Docker at scale
  • Manage enterprise customer’s technical needs; Turner/CNN, Whole Foods, GoPro
  • Troubleshoot customer’s custom code running in Docker containers; Go, Python, PHP, Node
  • Work with customers to architect application patterns with Docker and Message Queues
  • Created Slack-Bot tools in Go, to reduce the time to LIVE for cluster creation
  • Created Python utilities for internal DevOps use, increasing effecency and team speed
  • Work with cross-functional teams, Engineering and DevOps, on product roadmap
  • Run on site enterprise customer training/scrum sessions
  • Communicate effectively with team members using Slack, email, and video calls

July 2014 - July 2015 Senior Web Programmer

postgresql html css hmac nginx WordPress Lua

Doe-Anderson is a member of the “big three” advertising firms in Louisville; they are one of the oldest agencies in America, being founded in 1915.

  • Built custom Wordpress themes and plugins
  • Google Maps API Wordpress integration
  • Capistrano server build and deployment
  • Migrated data from MSSQL to MySQL to Postgres
  • Custom Lua scripts for upsert, and other logic, for Postgres 9.4
  • Normalized and cleaned database data

April 2011 - July 2014 Web Programmer
Power Creative

php html5 css linux fogbugz apache svn vim bind wordpress bootstrap twig slim media-queries jquery

Power Creative is a member of the “big three” advertising firms in Louisville, with ~150 employees and millions of dollars per year in billings.

  • Built web application using PHP frameworks, Slim, Twig, et al
  • Custom WordPress plugin development
  • Responsive CSS websites with Bootstrap and raw HTML/CSS.
  • Maintain legacy PHP websites
  • Google Maps API Wordpress integration
  • Built custom Javascript web based tools
  • Technical lead in strategic client meetings

October 2006 - April 2011 Web Developer
University of Louisville

html5 php css plone vim navigating-the-perilous-political-ways-of-working-at-a-university

UofL was founded in 1798; with more than 20,000 students it is the largest university in Louisville.

  • UofL homepage refresh, strategy and direction, UI/UX, HTML5, CSS, PHP
  • Maintained websites for the Development Office and Alumni Relations
  • Plone CMS custom theme development
  • Develop interactive sites using PHP
  • Wireframes, and UI/UX, with Basalmiq


  • LGDA 100 Show, Gold; UofL Homepage

November 2008 - March 2015 Programmer
Freelance, various clients

php apache bind linux git vim liquid wordpress

  • Develop HTML5 websites from Photoshop documents
  • WordPress, custom PHP plugins, custom themes.
  • Shopify, store setup and admin, custom themes using Liquid templating language
  • Manage client interactions with technology providers

September 2003 - October 2006 Tier 2 Technical Support Specialist
Iglou Internet

trouble-tickets investigating dns apache php

Iglou was the Louisville’s first Internet Service Provider when it was founded in 1989. It continues to offers dial-up and DSL Internet connections, as well as a variety of web hosting and co-location services.

  • Worked escalated critical ISP connection issues
  • Website troubleshooting and management, Apache, HTML, DNS, PHP
  • Managed customer domain name registrations via tucows
  • Liaison to Bellsouth and Alltel (telcos)

August 1999 - May 2001 Teaching Assistant, Web Development
University of Louisville

mac-os-9 html css ftp

UofL was founded in 1798; with more than 20,000 students it is the largest university in Louisville.

  • Tutored students in web coding, networking fundamentals, & Internet skills
  • Administered Macintosh Lab, MacOS 8
  • Linux m68k admin; Apache, Perl


Bachelor of Arts & Science
University of Louisville

Public Repositories

These repositories are ones I have created or contributed to.

North is a journal/diary viewer and writing tool.

My Dotfiles for customizations for my computing environment. Managed with yadm.

Daily Go were each day I do a quick code kata or sample to play with new ideas.

note is a command line note templating tool; that makes life easier to take text based notes.


Here is a sampling of blog posts I have written. I chose these for their popularity, or because I enjoy the writing itself. Comb through my blog’s archive for even more writing examples.

A gentle introduction to Golang Modules
I review the new Golang Modules that was introduced in vgo, and highlight points to be aware of when getting started.

Golang, Marshal and Unmarshal JSON with time and URL data
Howto document on custom unmarshaling functionality for time and URLs.

Building Go projects with gb
A look at Dave Cheney’s released build and dependency management tool for Go.

golang: My introduction to the Go programming language
A series of thoughts about my first foray into using Go.

golang vs PHP
An early comparison of Go and PHP.

Good Process
A good process saves us from ourselves.

Programming is terrible so learn to enjoy it
I ran across an anonymous opinion piece on how programming is terrible. It was posted a while ago, but it resonated with my own journey through programming. From when I was young and nothing was…

Peak Design Everyday Messenger Review
I hold strong opinions about backpacks and laptop bags, and sometimes I blog about them.



First Computer: NEC mini-tower with Windows95 16MB of RAM, later upgraded to 32MB

Favorite Editor: NeoVim, the more I use it the harder it is to leave.