Staying focused

Staying focused on a project is one of the best ways to complete a project. Regardless of other factors, you need time to complete a project. If you don’t put in the time then the project has already failed.
Projects need time to grow, time to be worked on. A project not being worked on is a daydream. Without being worked on it will never be built. Staying focused on your project is the surest way to give it the time it needs.
The world is full of distractions. Every day there are many many things pulling at us for attention. News, events, and people all vying fora glance. Staying focused means looking away from these distractions. Keeping your eyes on your project at hand.
“The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly.”
— Cecil B. De Mille
With so many opportunities out to catch our gaze how do we stay focused?